Jan 8, 2008

The Official Mr Grumpy.

So, the class poll was finished today, you can watch it at www.dailybread.se. I got a prize... As Mr.Grumpy :). I know i easily gets pissed about small things that ruin my routines and i had this moment at a presentation some month ago where i maybe expressed myself a little harsh. It was kinda fun to win it though when this poll was a bit of a joke, but the people choose me and i have some thoughts about anger management this year, haha. No, but seriously, thanks for the votes people :).

This is 2008, that means a new year with a lot of new stuff. So much are going to happend this year.

  • Move away from Sweden.
  • Getting my internship hopefully in USA. (Westcoast)
  • Tomorrow im starting my own company.
  • Got some freelance jobs coming up.
  • Learning some tech stuff. (html/css, AS2/3 and maybe some PHP)
  • Hopefully become more of a man than i am now, haha.
  • Last but not least, try getting myself a body that i like.
And about the last one, i bought a new gymcard today. Not because my old one expired, but that my other gym is really shabby. So i went to "Lok&Motion" and got myself a pretty nice deal. 260 SEK/Month for the golden card. Oh yes, Hampus Lideborg now owns a shiny sparkling golden card. That means that i can both go to the nice gym with all the machines and loose weights and stuff but i can also go to some training passes. So from now on i will kickbox or some other boxing once a week, and will try gym twice a week. Fucking ey man, im getting a grip of myself.

Goodnight. Enjoy the picture and the nice little verse Yvonne and Steff wrote to everyones "prizes".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha,Mr.Grumpy, klockrent! Grattis!