Jan 10, 2008

Back from Hell.

Holy shit. That was the most intense hour ive experienced in a while. Pretty fun though but my breakfust wanted to get up my throat almost the whole time. So i almost puked, but thats a good sign i guess. I pretty much trained the hell out of me. Emil got a bit violence with his kicks and punches so i got some bruises and some pain... That ass.

But now im off to "Skatteverket" to start my own company and after that im going to the bank to open up a new account and get some mastercard or something so i can do some internet shopping. Stupid as i am i ordered a personal trainer later today to show me the gym and help me with some training... I seriously can move my body now, so i just dont want to think of how im going to be tomorrow. Off i go now, Peace.

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