Aug 27, 2007

Macbook Pro.

Yeah i know i havent been posting in a while. So here comes the pictures frpm the team building course. Yeah, i got my macbook pro too. I love it and it loves me. Apple 4 life!
Today we got a really nice lecturer at school. Jonathan Biggs, the creator of Hyperisland came and talked some, i loved it. He knew too damn much, talked about googles domination in the advertisingworld and such. Really interesting.

Aug 23, 2007

Finished with the TB.

Yeah, the Team building is done, finally. Didnt felt like i got so much out of it really, just 500 kr less in my account... Pictures comming out tomorrow because now im gonna watcj Blades of Glory with my girl. Nighty.

Aug 21, 2007


Dont have so much to say really... I just saw the lightning, and i friggin photographed it too. Now teambuilding course for two days out in the forest or sumthin. Laters.

Aug 19, 2007


I mean serious... My room is filled with stuff and clothes and i dont really bother picking em up. I mean serious, how fucking lazy can i be? I walk right over em just watching down on em and thinking something like "Nah, ima take that tomorrow, or later... Or never". Why dont i just bend down pull my little arm out and pick em out to take em to the trahs, laundrybag or in some box or whatever. I mean serious, i like it clean in my room but why the hell do i let all the shit on floor be then... I mean serious, this is just a fucking "I-lands problem". I mean serious.

Aug 16, 2007

Its a G tee.

Well me and my friend Stephanie has started like a new concept. What is it? Its a fresh fucking G tee. 4 ways to get more G. Shes a really nice illustrator so i think this can be really nice. Ill hope i can help some more then just come with ideas. Anyway this is the typography she made for the T-shirt. Still a WIP (Working in progress) so you will see more from this faboulous fresh freaking tee.

Aug 15, 2007

Guess What.

I have been doing all theese days. Fucking UGL, thats it. Yeah we start like 8am and ends like 8.30-10pm. Its freaking wildlongdays. So its like 12 friggin hours a day. When i come home i like talk to my girl see a episode of heroes and sleep. Not so much of a day right? Nah, but its a really nice course, costs like 20000 for a provat and for us its like 1500 so its pretty niceprice yo! Now ima see a episode of heroes then sleep. Nighty.

Aug 12, 2007


Yeah im tired as fuck now so i aint gonna tell what happened today, just chilled and ate good food. That about it. I made some freshalicious stuff too. Peace~

Aug 11, 2007

Drive slow.

Drive slow homie
Turn your hazard lights on when you see them hoes
Drive slow home
If you riding around the city with nowhere to go
Drive slow homie
Live today cause tomorrow man you never know
Ya never know homey might meet some hoes homie
Ya need to pump your brakes and drive slow homie

Yeah im sitting im my apartment listening to some Kanye West just chillin. Really nice day today, just skated some and then went home to just chill ya know. Well ima think i sleep some now.
Yeah, i made some DVD covers for my collection. Theyre nice!

The day after.

Yeah well, yesterday was a pretty big party. Everyine from Crew 13 got together and drank some beer just having a good time. Really nice to get to know some people some more. Also the last days in school has been really long. Everyone just present themself and that took like 8 hours for 2 days. Really "segt" to sit in thoose chairs all day. Anyway it was nice to get to know people some more, just know what kind of music their into and such. Now its time for me to go down to the local indoor skatepark. Bye bye folks.

Aug 8, 2007

First day.

Cant really write so much now... Im on my lunch and i gotta write some personally presentation to the course after lunch. Uploading some pics though.

Aug 7, 2007


Yes, actually i think im gonna start writing this blog in english. Just so the rest of the world can read it.
Yesterday we were just meeting up with the crew. Not all of em though but almost 12 of us gathered up for a beer at the swimming place down at Pantarholmen. Tomorrow is the big day, we starting our Digital Media course at Hyperisland in Karlskrona. Im pretty stoked because its a pretty nice school. Almost all the students graduating gets a nice job after the education.
ust one thing more, the "join the darkside, we have macbooks" picture is when my roomies picked up some mod to their mac that responded when you shook the computer so everytime (when you got that mod activated) when you like shake the comp a little bit it will sound like you using a light sabre from the Star Wars films. I men the nerdiness in our apartment rised with like 500%. Fuck yeah!

Aug 5, 2007


Ja jävlar, idag har vi handlat och badat typ. Sjukt soft stad på sommaren detta, men antar att det blir jävligt segt på vintern. Dock njuter jag av vad som finns och langar upp bilder på några från crew 13. Ja, jag hoppas att vi kommer heta det.