Oct 29, 2007

Shattered Group.

Monday again and first day at school after the weekend. I may have not told you that the new module is running and i am in a group of six different guys that really want to sell our idea. The problem is that some in the group has a really hard time getting here. Today we were 2 persons out of 6 on the lecture this morning that was one of the most profitable lecturers we had for this module.

And yeah, a little about the lecturers. While we in Karlskrona get the same guy for way too many times now the crew up in sthlm gets people that has been selected to like "speaker of the year" and we only get to see him on webcam... When i searched here i really thought that the standards was waaaayyy high. But i realise that theyre not. This really dissapoint me when i fought like hell to get into this "holy school". Damnit i think i put my expectations way to high for this one. I just cant wait to get rid off all the module, teachers, lecturers and the cells just so i can get to some nice internship and get the experience that im really looking after. We are a international school and some of the lectures dont even has their presentation in english. "Skärpning tamigfan"...

I know im a little negative now and you people may just think im whining and whining but when a school with this high reputation cant live up to it people will get dissapointed, and thats what i am now.

My sister arrived to the city today. We made some food, saw a film and talked a little. Was a long time ago ive seen her. Almost since i moved. Anyways its nice having her here. Tomorrow we are going out for some nice expensive food :).

Dupin... iTunes' "Show Duplicates" feature is helpful but you still have to examine every track to determine whether you want to keep or delete the tracks it finds. Smart Playlists are of dubious help and trying to locate all duplicates with them can be tedious as they can quickly crowd your Source list and slow iTunes down.

Now there's Dupin.

Dupin is your iTunes duplicates manager.

Dupin allows you to quickly find all sets of duplicate tracks in iTunes based on the criteria you choose. It can then automatically select the "Keeper" tracks from among a number of duplicates using your choice of a variety of versatile filter options. Tracks you decide not to keep can be purged from iTunes and their files optionally moved to the Trash. Dupin is flexible, fast, and easy to use.


By the way, love this ad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, "fought like hell"? I heared you ripped some guys work sample to get in to Hyper Island?