Oct 18, 2007

I get tired, ok?

Today has been a short day, even though now when i think back on it ive done pretty much. Was at the dentist, we actually choose 5 ideas from the 50 that we gonna pick out 1 of tomorrow, i got some flour so my teeths can stay "so fresh and so clean". Right now i just downloaded the newest episode of my name is earl and i just watched the newest episode of Dirty Sexy Money which is a TV show based on a rich family and their lawyer. Its a really nice show actually. Ill probably make a show list tomorrow where you can see the series i watch and actually like. Hmm, what more to say. Im so tired right now. Its fucking 3.23 am and i gotta be up at 9. I seriously gotta make some rules for my "awake hours" every day. But 6 hours sleep every night works for me. I hate to sleep, think its booring. So what more... Yeah, the app, which today actually is a game. I dont know if you guys remember the first "Worms" game that came to PC. Anyways it was called Liero and i played too many hours of everyday. It now is a version to Mac where there is a online mode and alot of other stuff. Comment People!!!

OpenLieroX 3.0

OpenLieroX is based and compatible to the famous LieroX. LieroX is a 2D shooter game. It is an unofficial sequel to Liero, and is the most popular of all the Liero clones. It features online play, fully customizable weapons, levels and characters. Liero Xtreme was created in C++ by Jason ‘JasonB’ Boettcher, an Australian programmer.

The game is based on a deathmatch setting, where multiple players face off in a closed level. Each player is equipped with five weapons selected out of all the weapons allowed, and with a ninja rope that allows the player to move in any direction. Players begin with a set amount of lives, and whilst the game records the number of kills, the last man standing is usually considered the winner. LieroX also allows team deathmatches, which has made it common for players to form clans.

Because of the huge community, there are dozens of levels and mods available. You also have no problem to find somebody on Internet to play with. Or if you want to play offline, you also can play with bots.


This is me watching tv-shows and being extremely tired.


Anonymous said...

haha du ser lide lögig ut där

Hampus said...

haha, lögi är väl så jävla värt!

Anonymous said...
