Oct 7, 2007

Rimab 4 Life.

Guess what ive been doing all weekend. Playing Warcraft 3 and cleaned the apartment. Today i took like 3 hours just cleaning our two toilets. We have some serious problems with our shower. The water just wont go to the water pipes. Thats what we in sweden call "stopp i avloppet". It really sucks because you can really just shower like 2 minutes and then you need to wait for the water to go down. I know, a big i-lands problem but what the hell. But i havnt been sitting on my ass whole weekend. I actually got myself to the gym yesterday. Nice to actuallyy get started again.

Hey, tower defence is a sport too...


Anders Bäckman said...

Testa att lyfta på avloppsgallret i duschen och kolla hur det ser ut där under?

Sådant där brukar vara lätt fixat helt utan verktyg.

Hampus said...

Gjorde det, grävde fan lite också. Låg ju fan splittrat glas därunder.