Sep 3, 2007

Nä dege asså.

Got damn this week and last week is fucking wild. We have 4 diferent assigments at the same time, all pretty hard ones. Im learning After Effects now and hoping im getting some decent help from the motion guy thats comming tomorrow and talk about it. Well, it has been som uch to do that i actually havnt had the time to fix everyhting here. Now im dead ass tired and im gotta give you guys a little hint how angry i seriously am on the schoolboard for just fucking up things for us. This is a message i posted on the Crew13 forum.

"Seriously... What the fuck are the fucking managment thinking... They dont want us to be called Crew 13, we say ok and start something new. Then they dont want us to be called WeAreHyper, fuckin seriously... They want us to use this got damn booring old swedish school names like dm07kna or Digital Media 2007. Wasnt that was this fucking school was all about, a different thinking schoolsystem... Im really tired and really pissed so i might sound a little angry... But hey, i am. First they want to destroy the strong "crew" brand that would probably help us alot (the calls that ive made to africa in this IS they have talked alot about the crews) yeah, they take that away from us just because that brand goes better then the Hyperisland brand. So instead the school want to pick a better name that gives more publicity to the school. Ok we fucking get upp a poll and the name decides to be WeAreHyper which i think is a pretty brilliant name because you school managment get what you wanted, we give publicity to the school same as we can build up a brand that is actually pretty similiar to the schools brand. But NO! Take that away too.

Fucking hell, how can we make a name that is so filled with byrocratic bullshit into a good one. People fucking laughs at that name... Why destroy the strong thing that the students of hyperisland have build up just because it gets stronger then the school. Isnt that a good thing? That just mean that the students from Hyperisland are brilliant fucking people. Im really embarresed over the schools decisions...

Good night from a pissed and really fucking tired Hampus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

öh, okej, fan va skumt att de gör så, varför ska ni vara som alla andra, det blir ju helt fel. fan va korkat, WeAreHyper var ganska klockren.