Sep 25, 2007

Experience Technology.

Yeah, today was the first day of the "real" module thats been going for the last week. We have only 3 weeks to do alot. And i really mean alot. We have to make a physical working device out of the stuff that we got earlier today. We got the theme "Sound and Light" and got like this soundcard that we can connect via USB and make maybe lights out of it. Its really hard to understand so i upload a little of the text thats in the assigment here.

The Main Task
The main task is a group activity in which each group has to create a solution that involves one or several components that they are assigned. A component can be a device, an electronic component or a piece of software. The solution should explore the components and challenge their use in creating a proof of concept for a product, service, game or interactive installation (all with an emphasis on exploration, innovation and fun).

Sound & Light
Work with light sensors, sounds sensors, microphones and speakers to create an art piece or prototype of a product based on abstract light and audio input. Avoid using digital visual output like a monitor. Think about the sounds that exist around us and how we react to them. What happens when sound goes beyond frequencies that we can hear? What is the relation between sound and other types of feedback like vibrations? What happens if the input and feedback happens in different locations? How can something visual be reflected in sound?

So as you understand its pretty much to do, more will be written about this project but its good for now.
I learned a little 3D today in Cinema4D. Also trys some new ways to edit my photos.

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