Sep 9, 2008

Monday, again.

Cant really say i have been up to much today. Overslept and came 20 minutes late to work though, not good... Anyway we had our morningmeeting and set the goals for this week. Then i got what i should do today. Work in Flash.
Well, it went well, supereasy work that just had to be done. Kinda like, copy from illustrator, make it into a movieclip, name the clip to something good and then make i ready for AS3 code. Basiv stuff really it just took time. Then i acted tech support and called up support for a scanner. I hated that guy that answered, he though my knowledgelevel on computers were 2 out of 10 and bassicly told me where i should find the "w" when i was gonna type in a webadress... Also went to the gym today, pretty nice. Heard it starting to see some result and thats always un to hear. Time to sleep now, nighty.

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