Aug 14, 2008

It's all hood.

Second day at the office, recorded my voice to some commercial just because i have this sweet "russian accent" as they say, haha. Gnarly shit, cool ideas and After Effects is whats going right now. Ate a double cheeseburger at some nice little place right beneath they baybridge and went back to the studio to do some motionwork. Its fun that my CEO is so stoked about doing like some animation/motion to like eveything.

Got home, Emelie made some pasta and i went out skating. Skated om market st. all the way from Civic station down to Embarcadero, its kinda far, took like 20 minutes with the board. Well well, got to this spot where all these guys were drinking Gin n Juice mixing it in their mouth, took one zip of the gin and then one of the juice and mixed it, looks sketchy. Anyway i got home and went down to the gym we have on first floor. Ran for like 15 minutes and lifted some weights, haha. The gym was kinda small though, that sucks a little. Anyway, got back, took a shower and now im laying here in my 4 inch bed watching this sketchy policemovie. Some new pics of my apartment and the studio aswell, peace.

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