Once upon a time there was a little boy named Hampus. The little boy grew from a baby to a young man fast and early fell inlove with some pieces of plastic called Lego. Already from the start the little boy was really hooked on theese small pieces of plastic. He got older and the creativity and inspiration that he got from his grandfather which did some painting back in the days just got bigger and bigger. In hes early years at the school he went to the boy was very good at drawing random monsters and warplanes. This was not so appreciated from the parents or the teacher. But the boy didnt really care and continued hes drawings.
In the mid 90's the boys mother bought a computer home to the house where the boy and hes family lived. The computer was something that the now 8 year old boy really got hooked to. It was alot of games and a drawingsoftware called MSpaint. He drawes alot and played alot of games. Actually so much that the mother had to give the boy some timelines so he's eyes wouldnt get all square and wierd.
The years went by and the boy grew up to be a little brat. The one that always fights with the teacher just because she really hates the little guy and probably just because he was a kinda ass to the teacher aswell.
Anyway the boy who grew even more calmed down alot and got into media. The three years the boy studied at the mediaschool really inspired him to do something with hes life. Before he graduated the mediaschool he applyed for a two year education in a small small pissy town called Karlskrona. During some months he was very sceptic to the school just because there was alot of changes done that disturbed the feeling and the mood in the class. In the middle of April during he's first year he managed to make a motionreel, the kindaone that he never thought he woulda done, because motion was cool, but nothing he would work with. Anyway, the boy mailed some agencys and he got some answers. One answer that maybe could change his life. A mail that made him jump up and down and scream a little bit. The boy is now a really happy man and the story will continue soon. Ill promise, it will.
Apr 16, 2008
This is just sick.
posted by
6:23 PM
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you made tears in my eyes with this post... aww;)
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