Feb 15, 2008

Design, part2.

So, we got our first assignment two days ago and it was "Design the Designer". It consisted of choosing a designer that you liked and then make a piece of art from three different themes with influence from that designer. I didnt really choose a designer though, my guy was Salvador DalĂ­, a surrealist that inspired me alot when i sketched when i was a bit younger. The three themes we could choose from was

  • Hyper Island, a retrospective 1995-2008
  • James and the giant peach by Roald Dahl
  • And some more bookcover thing...
Anyway, i picked the Hyper thing and had an idea that showed how out new CEO is dragging down the school a little. I know nobody says it, but hey, almost everybody thinks the same thing. This is no hatepost, just a personal opinion... So dont blame me for bad publicity or something...

Well well, further down you can see the jpg of my "art piece". The day after that was a new task, pretty silly task but after some mail from the module leader it basically was to get everyone to learn all the programs. So i made pretty tacky stuff in Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop and HTML. I decided to put some more weight in After Effects. You can see that aswell in some youtube format... I got pretty satisfied with it and will probably work with some more motion the comming weeks. Its really fun and there is a big market for it.

Today i sat and made some random typography, dont know if i like it. Its pretty wip (working in progress) so i probably work on it some more next week or something. Also took a little photoround with Cathrine up to the water tower here yesterday. Little Karlskrona is bigger then you think and it can get damn cold here aswell. Time for me to chill some and enjoy the weekend. Peace~

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