Oct 31, 2007


Chea, today we finally got some structure on our group. Even if people show up late or dont show up at all we know that its just to "bita i det sura äpplet" and move on with the project. We also had our group follow-up and that means like "how do you feel on a scale 1-10" questions with reflections and stuff like that. I was the last one to speak and i said everything that i though. That i was dissapointed on the school, the board and the lecturers. You know all the things ive complained about the last week flew out of me. And apparently the rest of the group felt that too. Dont know if they didnt dare to tell it before but maybe ill say more what i think then other persons. This is of course both good and bad but today i felt good support from my group so i hope that the school really hear men and not just send out a mail with the text "Put in your claws Hampus, you can need a hug".

But about the titel, there were supposed to be a workshop in CSS/xHTML today and i were pretty psyched about it because i really need to start learning some code. Anyway i was heading to the school and get my computer to get to "Ångan" which is the place the workshop was gonna be in. But when i came to school Niggepeh and Emil sat on the upper floor doing their own workshop. I know Niggepeh is really good at this so i actually joined them instead of the large group. This was a nice thing because i learned some really nice stuff that im probably gonna use on my new portfolio that im working on. I know it doesnt look good but this is just alot of testing code. At least the code is clean and im happy that i can actually can read css code now. Know what stuff means etc. You can check the code and the website out here. Love the mouseover function on the picture in the box.

Ftp program Cyberduck is an open source SFTP (SSH Secure File Transfer) and FTP browser licenced under the GPL. It has been built from the ground up with usability in mind, having the same consistent graphical user interface for both SFTP and FTP browsing. Multiple connections are supported. Drag and drop is supported consequently for transferring files between server and client. A transfer queue keeps track of the pending file transfers and supports resuming of both downloads and uploads. A simple bookmark manager ensures manageability. Core system technologies such as the Keychain and Rendezvous are supported. Cyberduck integrates seamlessly with external editors such as SubEthaEdit and BBEdit. Cyberduck has been translated into numerous languages including Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and Finnish.



Unknown said...


Anders Bäckman said...

Ser bra ut i stort, men det finns några småsaker som måste fixas för att det ska se bra ut på alla plattformar (olika Linux-distar exempelvis); Ange alltid fontfamilj som backup till en specifik font, håll dig ifrån absolut-positionering och floats så mycket det bara går och skippa transparens-hacket.

Peace out. :)