Nov 4, 2007

Early Morning/Late Night.

When the time is 06.55 and its just me and some people left in school its time for Toto - Africa. That song gives a good mood while the same time the morning sun is rising over the trampoline at stumholmen. Today has been a allnighter and we actually managed to do some things. My eyes are splashing red and my stomache is screaming for food. Anyway we are almost done with this fucking module and that makes me so happy. You cant even imagine how this modules been. Anyway some of the people have a hard time being awake when he night is turning into morning, Like Hans for example. He fell asleep at his desk to the tunes of Funkytown music streaming out from the speakers. I was a bit boored so i ran in screamed "KAMIKAZE" and he woke up... wierd huh? Seriously im just talking shit now so i think ima go to Ångan and get some sleep. 3 hours before the lecture starts at 10pm and i think i will be kinda tired. Too bad suckes. Nighty!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


HJW said...

Hahahahaha!! Kamikaze? Det husker jeg ikke..