Sep 8, 2007

12h of sleep.

Damn, just woke up and realized that i slept 12 hours. I have been sleeping like 4-5 hours every night this week just because i had so much to do. Its pretty wild with 4 big assigments to be finished on 1 week. So i came home yesterday and just slept. It was so nice to actually feel relaxed for some hours, but that aint gonna be long. Hell no, we have 2 more tasks thats gonna be up and finished one first on monday, a 15 sec personal motiongraphic and on thursday we need to have a whole blogsystem to everyone in the class plus a big thing called "Information Society" where we supposed to check how the world is going with like design and marketing. So i need to sit all weekend with this personal motion thing. Time to get started.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...