Hmm... Cathrine left me today, she called me at the train said shes been sitting down for like 3 hours. Its like that when you bought a open ticket. If there aint anywhere to sit, floor is your best friend. Seen like 5 movies this weekend just because me and my girl decided to have a "degarhelg" when we like buy alot of thing that is bad for your body and just revel the hell out of everything.
Movies seen:
Underbara Älskade 3/5
Disturbia 4/5
Knocked Up 3/5
1408 3/5
Superbad 3/5
So pretty average shitmovies. Time for me to sleep, much to do this week. Made a new background for my comp just to be a litle creative.
Sep 30, 2007
Two fingerprints.
posted by
7:03 PM
Sep 28, 2007
Sometimes it rains.
In sweden it rains, in Karlskrona it pours. Seriously i think ive never seen this much rain on one day before. Today something really nice happened. My girlfriend got some impulsnerves and today thoose nerves decided to take her to the centralstation and on a train to me in Karlskrona. Yayy!
By the way, i bought a new monitor today, its so cool. 22" and you can even flip it on the side so you get a high and thin monitor instead of a wide and short one. Probably never going to use it but anyways, it just a cool detail.
posted by
7:27 PM
Sep 27, 2007
Murda Murda'.
Im so tired that i dont really have something to write... Can post a pic of how i feel now...
Kanyes new album is pretty good i think.
J a y an Ye so shy
Now he won't even step to his idol to say hi
Standing there like a mime and let the chance pass by
Back of my mind he could change your life
With all these beats I did at least let him hear it
At least you could brag to your friends back at the gig
But he got me out my mama crib
Then he help me get my mama a crib
Big brother was Bigs Brother
Used to be Dame and Bigs Brother
Who was hip hop brother, who was No I.D friend
No I.D my mentor, now let the story begin
posted by
7:07 PM
Sep 26, 2007
Cinema 4D.
Hey, im starting to learn the 3D a little more now. Sat with a tutorial for some hours and it turned out pretty nice actually.
Yeah, and about our Arduino, just gonna copy from our "Experience Tech" blog.
"After sweat, blood and tears we come to an idea, which seems actually possible to be working.
We combined our musical background with a vision of a great dream.
This morning when we all met the mood in the group was not the best. Frustration, anger and too little sleep made the tension really suck. So we spoke about how we are going to manage the task and we came up that this is all about having fun, not making a boring superserious concept. Then we went back to our “little fucker”, thats our new name for our Arduino. Guess why..?
We played with it and actually made a blue light blink a little. And there was light! Also manage to made some easy song too via the little Piezo. From that we actually managed to come up with a doable idea… Hooray for us!We also had a followup today, well needed."
posted by
5:17 PM
Sep 25, 2007
Experience Technology.
Yeah, today was the first day of the "real" module thats been going for the last week. We have only 3 weeks to do alot. And i really mean alot. We have to make a physical working device out of the stuff that we got earlier today. We got the theme "Sound and Light" and got like this soundcard that we can connect via USB and make maybe lights out of it. Its really hard to understand so i upload a little of the text thats in the assigment here.
The Main Task
The main task is a group activity in which each group has to create a solution that involves one or several components that they are assigned. A component can be a device, an electronic component or a piece of software. The solution should explore the components and challenge their use in creating a proof of concept for a product, service, game or interactive installation (all with an emphasis on exploration, innovation and fun).
Sound & Light
Work with light sensors, sounds sensors, microphones and speakers to create an art piece or prototype of a product based on abstract light and audio input. Avoid using digital visual output like a monitor. Think about the sounds that exist around us and how we react to them. What happens when sound goes beyond frequencies that we can hear? What is the relation between sound and other types of feedback like vibrations? What happens if the input and feedback happens in different locations? How can something visual be reflected in sound?
So as you understand its pretty much to do, more will be written about this project but its good for now.
I learned a little 3D today in Cinema4D. Also trys some new ways to edit my photos.
posted by
5:13 PM
Sep 23, 2007
It's late.
Time is way past bedtime and i have too much to tell you guys. So you just gotta get satisfied with this youtubefilm and 1 photo from the wedding this weekend. But dont worry, i will write more tomorrow. Nighty
posted by
9:18 PM
Sep 19, 2007
Sep 17, 2007
2 years and runnin'.
Yeah people, me and my girl has been together for two years now. Sometimes its been hard but now we rollin the goldenroad. Hopefully we moving together in Los Angeles next year when i do my internship there. Well, we had a wonderful friday with food on a italian restaurant and then we drank some champange and ate some strawberrys. Yeah, i was in Gothenburg this weekend. Damn when i come there i really miss it. Karlskrona is nice, sure, but i still miss my hometown some. Ridin the trams, walking in nordstaden even Clas Ohlson the nice electronic store. Yeah, theres alot of things i miss from Gothenburg but im going there next weekend to, its a wedding on the G.
Oh, now im just talking alot of crap but about my visit in Gbg i met Tatty and Bea, that was really fun. They planning on comming down here soon. Our new module Experience Technology starts tomorrow so i really gotta sleep some now. Got like 8 hours of lecturing tomorrow. Lets hope its a good one.
Yeah, and about you people that just complains about my english on this blog... Seriously, its a blog, whatever...
Peace out~
posted by
7:44 PM
Sep 12, 2007
Soon, ima be back in gothenburg. Just cant wait to get there, pretty tired at karlskrona now actually. Even if i just sit in my cell all day long doing some graphic work. I mean sure, the enviroment is pretty cool... But you get tired if it. Time for me to sleep again.
Yeah, this is the shoes i must send back... Not funny, i love thoose.
Well well, Peace folks~
posted by
5:39 PM
Sep 11, 2007
I got new shoes...
Yeah, the big order ust came today. 4300 SEK box delivered to Karlskrona homebuy (hemköp). Of course not everything was to me. Actually just one of the stuff was mine. A fresh new pair of Nike Tre. Fucking freshest shoes in the book. Too bad they were too small. So i just send em back now and hope they have em in another size. Theese pics were taken yesterday night. Time to sleep now.
posted by
8:51 PM
Sep 10, 2007
i felt asleep in the basement.
Damn, i just felt asleep in the basement. This motionweek has really killed me. Sat in school til like 3am every got damn night the whole week. So now im tired and really mad on all the tasks we had to do. Next module is Experience Technology and i really looking forward to it. Right now, i just miss my girlfriend and wanna go home sleep so i gets thursday so i can go home to gothenburg.
posted by
2:49 PM
Sep 9, 2007
Crew 13.
Yeah, my second motion is done. Please write a comment with some words on your thoughts. Now its time for me to go home and sleep. Night night.
posted by
6:05 PM
Sep 8, 2007
12h of sleep.
Damn, just woke up and realized that i slept 12 hours. I have been sleeping like 4-5 hours every night this week just because i had so much to do. Its pretty wild with 4 big assigments to be finished on 1 week. So i came home yesterday and just slept. It was so nice to actually feel relaxed for some hours, but that aint gonna be long. Hell no, we have 2 more tasks thats gonna be up and finished one first on monday, a 15 sec personal motiongraphic and on thursday we need to have a whole blogsystem to everyone in the class plus a big thing called "Information Society" where we supposed to check how the world is going with like design and marketing. So i need to sit all weekend with this personal motion thing. Time to get started.
posted by
6:14 AM
Sep 5, 2007
I can do motion.
Hey, the time is 02.26am and ive been sitting in school for like 19 hours now. Im finally done with my first After Effects project. Im seriosly so stoked about learning this software more and be better at it. By the way we have a motionweek now so 2 more projects is gonna be up before tuesday next week. Fucking ey, i know motion.
posted by
7:25 PM
Sep 3, 2007
Nä dege asså.
Got damn this week and last week is fucking wild. We have 4 diferent assigments at the same time, all pretty hard ones. Im learning After Effects now and hoping im getting some decent help from the motion guy thats comming tomorrow and talk about it. Well, it has been som uch to do that i actually havnt had the time to fix everyhting here. Now im dead ass tired and im gotta give you guys a little hint how angry i seriously am on the schoolboard for just fucking up things for us. This is a message i posted on the Crew13 forum.
"Seriously... What the fuck are the fucking managment thinking... They dont want us to be called Crew 13, we say ok and start something new. Then they dont want us to be called WeAreHyper, fuckin seriously... They want us to use this got damn booring old swedish school names like dm07kna or Digital Media 2007. Wasnt that was this fucking school was all about, a different thinking schoolsystem... Im really tired and really pissed so i might sound a little angry... But hey, i am. First they want to destroy the strong "crew" brand that would probably help us alot (the calls that ive made to africa in this IS they have talked alot about the crews) yeah, they take that away from us just because that brand goes better then the Hyperisland brand. So instead the school want to pick a better name that gives more publicity to the school. Ok we fucking get upp a poll and the name decides to be WeAreHyper which i think is a pretty brilliant name because you school managment get what you wanted, we give publicity to the school same as we can build up a brand that is actually pretty similiar to the schools brand. But NO! Take that away too.
Fucking hell, how can we make a name that is so filled with byrocratic bullshit into a good one. People fucking laughs at that name... Why destroy the strong thing that the students of hyperisland have build up just because it gets stronger then the school. Isnt that a good thing? That just mean that the students from Hyperisland are brilliant fucking people. Im really embarresed over the schools decisions...
Good night from a pissed and really fucking tired Hampus
posted by
6:43 PM