Jan 28, 2009

This baby is gone.

This blog should die. Or just get transfered to a new adress.





Made a wordpress instead, enjoy!

Jan 27, 2009

The Flu.

I think i got the flu, feeling really bad with a killer headache, a soaring throat and a drippy nose. Got damn i dont wanna get a cold now when Christoffer comes, we are gonna rage the city of San Francisco... Anna left for San Diego the other day and is now in L.A. Shes coming home to her birthday on thursday i think though so well get some nice food or something. With so many people visiting all day everyday i just feel lonely now when its all empty. Can be nice too though but i guess i like company. No need to get emotional. Now i have a killer headache so im off to a good night sleep. By the way we launched a new site the other day, im super stoked.


Here is some old pictures and a nice selfportrait from me this friday, club was hella fun.





Jan 26, 2009


Much stuff happens, now i am tired and want to sleep alot. Maybe more tomorrow, goodnight.



The City.

The City.

Jan 20, 2009


Tomorrow at 8.45 am im gonna hit down to Civic Center and see when the new black president entering the white house. Feels nice to actually see something this historical i guess. Work is slow life is alot. Dont know if i want to leave here, starting to miss Gothenburg, or sweden overall. Hooked up with my man John yesterday to shoot some stuff up at 24th Mission. Looks pretty tight.




Jan 17, 2009

Give me!

I so badly want this tee! Only got it in fukkin small! Which sucks, give me!

Jan 16, 2009

Fun stuff.

Hola Göteborg.

Å alla som vandar som nordman i skor på den långa E4:an till stockholm. Vem kysser elin kan man ju också undra, men mest undrar jag om det verkligen var en dvärg eller bara en jävligt kort man jag såg på vägen hem genom TL. Jag peppade Håkan, haha. Jävligt lamt för övrigt mn nu jävlar flyter det rövoin i mina vener och mitt blåa blod känns som det rinner sakta men ännu mer sakta ur mig. Doktorant Bjurlin fyller på med droppet, jag känner mig healad och vacker. Solen skiner in genom mitt fönster och den positiva energin bara väller över mig som ett sjunde mirakel och chansen är inte ens i närheten av misslycka. Lyckan är som den skall vara, böljande och vacker. Sakta ser jag vågorna i horisonten slå bort mot en framtid. En framtid jag gärna ser fram emot, men som samtidigt skrämmer mig som ett mördat litet lamm. Lammet, precis som i lilla huset på prärien känns som en skyskrapa som redan nu känns läskig. Läskig på det sättet at den faktist skrämmer mig. Hampus säver over and out på svenska. Puss

Jan 15, 2009


Just came home from the ballgame. And holy fuckin' moly it was exciting. It was Frisco Warriors against Sacramento Kings and the game went three quarters over. Total time of the game ended up in almost 3 and a half hour and my voice is gone from all the screaming. Now time to sleep, early important meeting tomorrow, plus my dad n my sis is comming, yayy!



Jan 14, 2009

Still visiting!

When people are over in the bay, everyday is party! Today we went shopping for some food and bought alot of cheap mexican "cerveza". Or beer as we say in USA. Anna (tipzade) me about sopranos so we watched the first episode about 10 minutes ago and drank beer from red mugs and felt so amricanized so we sang amazing grace without even thinking about it. It was a pleaseure for my neighbours and the rest of the country. I think this country loves us. As do we love this country. God bless America and the Barack Obama!






Jan 13, 2009


So, i have some friends over in the bay. They were not so stoked the first night as you can see... Well, we got some alcoholic beverages in our bodys and got more pumped. The night ended with a big cag and a long walk home with a bottle of rum and new keys. The day after we went to dolores with a bit hungover, fun stuff. Well, time to drink up this bottle of wine so i can sleep and go to work tomorrow. Even more fun stuff. Lazers...



Jan 12, 2009

Fight Club.

Just saw this movie again. And its so fucking good. Time to sleep, had an awesome weekend. More later, gnight.

Jan 9, 2009


Yo, havent been blogging in a while. Been hella sick. Puking n headache n shit. Also got some nice fever between there. Fuck. Well, enough about that. Today my friends A and HJ came to visit me. THey were tired so i gave em some garlic fries and headed down to Union square to see some of the lights n trains and all that stuff you wanna see when you come here i guess. Now they are sleeping and im checking out some wordpress stuff.



Jan 6, 2009


Moms is leaving tomorrow, buhuhu. One day earlier then expected. Lucky two more friends arriving to the city on Friday, im stoked!

Mom & Me.

Napa Valley.

Napa Valley.

Jan 5, 2009

Napa Valley.

Took a trip with my moms and Roland up to the winedistrict n shot some photos. Had a mellow newyear and some mellow days before work started. Alot of skateboarding, some at three up three down and at the legendary "Hubba". Im trying to set up a wordpress, thats why im slow on the posting. Lazers.

Napa Valley.

Napa Valley.

Napa Valley.


Jan 2, 2009


Been out skating almost 4 hours today, bought a new board so it was fun getting some new tricks back again. Got that tréflip on lock and same with the nollieflips. Gonna go skate a little park tomorrow so ill better bring my camera or something. And i also figured i have some months where im just gonna work on that Final Project after March so i think im heading over to Paris for a week or two. Well see... HEre is some shots i took the other day when it was foggy and it was like 4am, awesome. Lazers

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Post at night.

Jan 1, 2009


Yo its time to get back to this blog. Today was the party of a new year. I failed it. Epic failed it. The fuckin club wouldnt let me in with my fancy ass ID, so i sold it to some poor bastards for 10$ cheaper then regular price. Then hit down to embarcadero and then home to chill some and meet some new friends at 10th floor to also chill with. Now im slo, soft and happy again. Time to sleep, more tomorrow.



